Join the IFABC
The IFABC has several tiers of membership for organizations that share the IFABC’s core values of transparency and accountability.
Full Audit Bureau Member
Regional audit bureaux may differ in organizational structure and operational procedures, but all must meet the following criteria:
Have a tripartite membership of advertisers, advertising/media agencies and media owners
Operate as a not-for-profit
Have a written set of standards (i.e., constitution, bylaws, rules)
Use standardized terms and definitions for reporting
Perform independent audits
Issue circulation and media data on a regular basis
Encourage active participation across the membership
Affiliate Members
Affiliate IFABC members may not fully comply with the IFABC constitution and bylaws necessary for full membership. Affiliate members may participate fully but have no voting rights and may not use the IFABC logo without the permission of the IFABC.
Associate Members
Associate IFABC members are companies closely aligned to the industry the IFABC serves, such as paper suppliers, print machinery/ink companies, training institutions, internet hosts, global advertising agencies, global advertisers, media analysts and strategists, and many others. Associate members have no voting rights and may not use the IFABC logo without the permission of IFABC.
Reciprocity Members
Other media industry bodies that do not qualify as associate members may join as reciprocity members.
For more information on how to join the IFABC, please contact us.